In answer to a question that chocolate just junk food, we have to know the properties of chocolate first. Savor chocolate include:1. Brown was efficacious to make life a person becomes longer.2. Preventing the risk of coronary heart disease and cancer.3. Prevents premature aging that can occur due to pollution or radiation.4. Can make people calm and make the feeling of being happy.5. Lowering blood pressure.6. Recent research suggests that chocolate may also have benefits for treating stroke.
Once we know the benefits of chocolate, it turns out chocolate are beneficial to health. The question now is what is contained in chocolate making chocolate can be beneficial to health? I will try to give a little review based on the data that I obtained. It's good that we know the composition is also contained in chocolate.These compositions contained in chocolate:1. Stearic acid (35%) and palmitic acid (25%).2. Oleic acid (35%) and linoleic acid (3%).3. Sugar (Sucrose).4. Theobromine.5. Polyphenols.6. Phenyletylamine7. Catechins.An epidemiological study was conducted at Harvard University students enrolled between the years 1916-1950. By
using a food frequency questionnaire collected information on the
habits of eating candy or chocolate at Harvard University students. By
controlling the physical activity, smoking, and eating habits found
that those who love to eat candy / chocolate age older than one year are
not eating. Allegedly phenol antioxidants contained in chocolate is the reason why they can outlive. Chocolate contains polyphenols in relatively high amounts and can function as an antioxidant. Phenolik
compounds may reduce the risk of heart disease by preventing the
oxidation and deposition of fatty compounds in the blood in the blood
vessels and damage to low-density lipoprotein lipids (bad fats). Phenol is also found in red wine that is well known as a good drink for heart health. Brown
has the ability to inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol (bad
cholesterol) and increase immune function, which can prevent the risk of
coronary heart disease and kanker.Lemak in chocolate, often called
cocoa butter, mostly composed of saturated fat (60%), especially
stearic. But the brown fat is a vegetable fat which does not contain cholesterol. The high content of stearic acid is suppose to be the reason why chocolate brown fat is not as bad as animal fat. Have long known that stearic acid is neutral fat that will not trigger blood cholesterol. Why? Stearate apparently digested slowly by the body and is also absorbed less. A third of the fat contained in chocolate is oleic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid. Oleic acid is also predominantly found in olive oil. Epidemiological
studies in Mediterranean populations who consume lots of oleic acid
from olive oil oleic concluded positive effect jantung.Selain's health,
California Univeristy researchers also found that flavan-3-ols, a
compound found in cocoa can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.Wait for my next post's ... I ask for comments from friends all.